Spring is in the air and the ticks are back!
These annoying little critters make their appearance in early spring and start to look for a host to chomp on. The worst part is that they carry diseases that can make your pet really sick.
Furry Friends Pet Resort sells tick twisters that can make removal easier. We find having one in a purse, the bathroom, kitchen and glove box of the car is pretty convenient!
We also recommend a repellant product called Atlantick (www.atlantick.ca) that is available online and from stores like Healthy Planet. Atlantick is great for hikers and anyone enjoying the outdoors!
Remember to keep your floof out of the tall grass and keep checking for ticks when you get back from your walk. Ticks can take up to 24 hours to become noticeable on a dog, especially on long-haired breeds.
Check out these helpful links for more information: