Beestings and What to Do

dog boarding oshawa

There are a higher volume of bees this time of year and important to know how to respond if your dog gets stung. 🐝

Signs of a sting:

Drooling, Swelling, Excessive licking, and Pawing at a specific area

The most common spots for a sting include the paw pads, mouth and face.

What to do if your dog has been stung:

-Monitor for an allergic reaction

-Monitor breathing specifically if on face of dog. If there is a large amount of swelling on the face it is best to take your dog to emergency right away if you suspect the breathing is affected.

-If your dog starts vomiting within 5-10 mins after sting or has pale gums this could be a sign of anaphylactic shock and you should head to emergency right away.

How to comfort your dog after sting:

If within 30 mins there is no sign of an allergic reaction you can focus on the following;

-Over the counter medication such as Benadryl

-Remove stinger with tweezers

-Apply a damp towel to sting site